Guest Posting! Crispy Chicken Thighs in a Delicious Sauce!

I'm so excited to be  guest posting today over at Arsy's lovely blog Rubies and Radishes. Rubies and Radishes is a beautiful paleo blog with delicious recipes and great photos! The recipe I'm sharing today is paleo and delicious! It cooks up in just your cast iron skillet (one of my favorite kitchen items!) so there is minimal clean up, which is always nice. This recipe came together when I bought a bunch of those little cuties (clementines) that are on sale and chicken thighs, which were also on sale. I always have kale on hand for kale salad, so I decided to throw the three together and see what happened.

crispy chicken thighs

Magic happened. This dish is so good. I seriously want to make it every day. Crispy chicken skin, moist meat, wilted yet still crisp kale, and a delicious orange sauce with no added sugar!

crispy chicken thighs

Head over to Rubies and Radishes to check it out!

Love, Luck, and Happiness!