Paleo Brownie Bites

These paleo brownie bites may be one of my favorite things I've ever made. But if you aren't paleo don't let the title mislead you, these are something that EVERYone can enjoy. Seriously. They are vegan brownie bites also! And they are basically homemade Lara Bars, but waaayyyy better. This has to be one of my favorite recipes. I know I probably say that a lot, but seriously, I urge you to give these a try if you are looking for a healthier sweet treat. And let's be real, who isn't always looking for a healthier sweet treat?

paleo brownie bites

It's got to be every woman's, blogger's, and most likely man's dream to be able to eat sweets and call them healthy. And here we have delicious paleo brownie bites that are void of flour, refined sugar, and butter and are still so freaking good! Yes, paleo chewy brownies that are also happen to be vegan chewy chocolaty brownies. It's for reals, guys. And did I mention they are super easy to make and are no bake! The best brownie bites you've ever had and they have no flour or refined sugar and you don't even have to bake them! Folks, it's a pretty magical situation we have going on here.

paleo brownie bites

I used to buy Lara Bars as my sweet treat. Every day after lunch, I would have a chocolate chip Lara Bar. I always knew I could make them at home and probably save myself some money, but what I didn't know (until now) was that homemade Lara Bars are like a gazillion times better, especially when they are bite size chocolaty brownie batter balls rolled in coconut. My husband even ate these and he doesn't like chocolate or coconut. Although, he didn't know there was coconut involved.... not quite sure how he missed that...

paleo brownie bites

Seriously, these are amazing. Amazing fudgy goodness. Whether you are paleo or not, vegan or not, these are insanely good and so easy to make! So you MUST make them. Do. It. Now. xoxo

Paleo Brownie Bites

adapted from Averie Cooks

makes 12 - one inch balls


2/3 cup raw walnut halves and pieces

1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

1 heaping cup soft medjool dates, pitted (about 17 - 20 medium sized dates)

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

1 to 2 tablespoons coconut milk OR any liquid sweetener, like honey, agave, or maple syrup if you want your brownie bites to be sweeter. I used coconut milk and thought the brownie bites were perfectly sweet. 

2/3 cups shredded unsweetened coconut

Pulse coconut in food processor for 30 seconds to a minute to form coconut crumbs. Remove from food processor and set aside.

Place pitted dates in a bowl of warm water for a minute to soften them up.

Add unsweetened cocoa powder and walnuts to food processor, blend until walnuts become fine crumbs, but do not over process or you will get some kind of chocolate walnut butter. 

Drain dates and place in the food processor with the cocoa walnut crumbs. Add vanilla. Process until mixture starts to combine. It may not fully combine until liquid is added. Add coconut milk or liquid sweetener (if desired) half a tablespoon at a time. Pulse. You will know the consistency is right when the dough combines into a ball in the middle of the food processor. 

If dough is too runny add a tablespoon or more cocoa powder to bring it back to a dough like state. 

Transfer dough to a bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Cold dough is much easier to work with. I left my dough in the fridge over night. You could put it in the freezer if you need to speed the process up. 

Once dough is cold, put coconut crumbs from earlier into a shallow bowl. Scoop heaping tablespoons of dough and roll them between hands to form balls. Roll balls in coconut crumbs, pressing the crumbs gently into the ball. Continue until all dough is gone. You can moisten your hands with water if the dough begins to stick to your palms as you roll.

Keep chilled, they taste best that way. Bites will keep in fridge for quite some time, and freeze well also. 

paleo brownie bites

They are soooo good!!

Love, Luck, and Happiness!